Thursday, December 9, 1999 at 01:24:44
"我記得以前睇過一套卡通叫"草原小天使",好似歌名都是一樣,冇記錯應該是袁鳳英主唱的,我真的好想聽多次,你可以幫忙找找嗎?thanks pico"
Wednesday, December 8, 1999 at 19:23:49
"呢個網太正了,勾起我唔少0既童年回憶 ,網主請繼續努力,支持你!pa pa pa^_^ "
Wednesday, December 8, 1999 at 11:06:13
Winnie Lin
"點解不可以聽歌? "
Tuesday, December 7, 1999 at 21:59:20
"我好鍾意你個hp, 睇親都會好開心ga~仲有呀~你把聲好好聽呀~~錄多d啦!!"
Tuesday, December 7, 1999 at 07:19:17
georgiana poon
"i hope u can put some up-date songs, like tiga > chan yik shun that one."
Tuesday, December 7, 1999 at 04:37:11
Yau Fan
"我很想聽風之谷的歌可否加在網上除日文外仲有林憶蓮唱的版本,請加到網上好心急因本人不太懂電腦,仲有呢個網極正所有我的朋友都已被我極力推介了實在太美妙呀, ilike it!"
Friday, December 3, 1999 at 10:57:21
Friday, December 3, 1999 at 01:50:54
Pretty Chau
"Your homepage is really interesting,
I love the songs so much,
and also the background of the song is quite good too!"
Friday, December 3, 1999 at 01:30:50
Thursday, December 2, 1999 at 03:40:04
Wednesday, December 1, 1999 at 02:09:00
Tony Wong
Monday, November 29, 1999 at 10:54:42
" 很久沒見了 , 現在幹什麼!畢業了嗎? 上開網突然想起您, 上您的網頁看看呢! 個然了得! 比心機, 等我個女大個上您個網到聽歌仔 ! 再見 !"
呂sir, hello啊! 近來有乜做咁啊?
Monday, November 29, 1999 at 07:52:38
"好開心無意中發現此網頁, 可以 o弟 番以前 o弟過 o既卡通片既主題歌(430穿梭機時代既兒歌) . 一路 o弟, 一路係度傻笑 ^_^ ! 可以重拾小時侯既回憶!!! 真係好開心. 但依家既卡通片真係冇咁好 o弟, 唔知點解, 可能個人大 o左啦! 冇 o左小時侯既童真. 希望可以好快收到其他有關 o個個年代兒歌 o既消息. "
Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 23:27:30
Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 22:05:07
(忘記).."你知不知道這首歌呢?我好像有在那裡聽到過呀,不過不記得了!好想知道歌名or歌詞!請問可以幫我這個忙嗎?希望不會太麻煩,thank you."
Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 23:43:01
Big Big girl
"More songs I would like!!"
Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 20:16:38
Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 08:31:02
"very good,i want add more song"
Friday, November 26, 1999 at 10:21:39
"This is an amusing web-site. Whenever i feel tired after work, my energy will be refilled after listening to the songs. "
Friday, November 26, 1999 at 07:13:40
Jimmy L
"This is the best place I have ever been to, I am very happy that someone has made this place for us to think about the good old time!!! Keep up the good work and I hope more and more "new" song can be hear from you."
Thursday, November 25, 1999 at 04:09:42
"小甜甜(路嘉敏版本)出現Error, 聽唔到歌"
Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 19:44:05
"Well, I really like the song of 蠟筆王國(i dunno am i spell correct or not), can you record it to real file ?Now always show on the TV ^^"
Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 16:37:04
"Woow, this web site brought me back to my childhood. I just can't stop smiling. All those old memories came back. I love that Professor IQ ; ). Woow! Woow! I love this site. I wish my baby son will grow up with all the cutiest characters like Ding Dong, Hsiu Wan, Hsiu Gan. I believe what U.S. TV stations need are these old time greatest cartoons instead of those Pokemen, Power Rangers.way too violent.
Keep up the good work!
Just wandering! Where I can find these cartons in DVD?!"
Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 15:28:53
"Woow, this web site brought me back to my childhood. I just can't stop smiling. All those old memories came back. I love that Professor IQ ; ). Woow! Woow! I love this site. I wish my baby son will grow up with all the cutiest characters like Ding Dong, Hsiu Wan, Hsiu Gan. I believe what U.S. TV stations need are these old time greatest cartoons instead of those Pokemen, Power Rangers.way to violent.
Keep up the good work!
Just wandering! Where I can find these cartons in DVD?!"
Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 15:27:00
Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 02:20:09
Ryan 仔
"你個網頁好正呀..校園回憶錄好好笑 最好寫多d有關大老爺d.圖文並茂更好啦..."
我諗大老爺睇到呢篇一定會話: "點解我識親的朋友, 都好似怕我唔死咁的?"
Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 02:03:02
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