Page 0073

Julian "How come I can't play or download the songs, I really like them and wanna listen to them!! Thanks!!!"

Monday, December 7, 1998 at 10:46:29

Sadie "請問有沒有'淘氣小雪兒' 的歌詞? 我搵得好苦呀! 若各位有的話, 或知道在哪個website有, 請通知本人, 多謝!"

Saturday, December 5, 1998 at 18:51:44

Charles Lam "曾經聽過一首叫"彊屍怪鴨"的歌,由譚耀文主唱,希望你能upload上來.另外也想你提供一些ra檔歌曲的網站連結. "

Friday, December 4, 1998 at 02:45:49

Jancent "I dont know why I can listen to those songs..... May be the server's problems . Anyways, it is such a nice page! Keep it up!"

Thursday, December 3, 1998 at 19:26:56

cho "請問ra下載is ok?"

Thursday, December 3, 1998 at 07:05:46

RABBIT "This is a nice ; friendly & cutei page .good for kid . i like this kind of homepage ! thanks you !"

Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at 05:42:17

貓罐頭 "你犯左一個極度嚴重既錯誤!!  0係你個百寶袋度你所打既「薜家燕」係錯咖!!  正確係「薛」( 音洩 ),並唔係「薜」( 音幣,植物名 )!!  我希望你儘快更正,因為我至憎人寫錯個「薛」字,即係我個姓呀!!!!  仲有睇到呢個Message 既朋友,記住唔好再寫/打錯喇!   "

這只是一個很小的錯誤, 不是如你所說的「極度嚴重」的錯誤, 把小事無限上崗, 在這裡大呼小叫, 實在使人慘不忍睹。
Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at 03:55:59

Spaghetti "我要mp3 d 歌~~~"

好呀, 你自己錄啦。
Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at 02:50:46

Jessics "很好.可以聽番以前的兒歌"

Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 22:25:59

Michael "I can't d/l the song, it always error, how can I d/l them? Please solve this problem. Thanks for your listening."

Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 06:18:42

NG "Why I can't hear all the ra & ram!!When I open the ra,it said..."無法連接伺服器....."!?!?"

Tuesday, December 1, 1998 at 03:15:42

海膽 "網主: 我呢排聽唔到兒歌網 d 歌, 話係搵唔到 kennynet 個 server, 唔知點解呢?? 請幫下我, 唔該!!!"

Monday, November 30, 1998 at 10:08:19

dormir "i think the server of Kenny is down, please fix it. this is the first time that i come here, but your server.....make me sad."

Sunday, November 29, 1998 at 08:09:54

Cat "有沒有o的更加新o既歌呀??"

遲些可能會有卦, 我錄了, 但未有時間放上網啊。
Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 11:38:25

hata_wai "一個人冇聊 , 到這裡 listen music , 太好了 ;-o"

Friday, November 27, 1998 at 23:23:13

Peggy Leung "齛艩~好好,但繨捄L皇家雙妹嘜首歌鵅I"

Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 08:13:27

ah wai "why i can't listen the songs that in your homepage.i am using Real palyer 5.0 please tell me what happen about me"

Wednesday, November 25, 1998 at 07:27:40

阿平 "HI!站長! 貴網非常出色∼"

Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 18:11:32

Chicken "this is a wonderful homepage...which bring me bring alots of my memory ar....but i couldn't listen 2 the song in this moment...i feel disapointted ..anyway is a good page dor...."

Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 16:45:19

simon "some song has no comment!"

即係……? 你指故事資料?
Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 09:18:46

Peggy Leung "非常喜歡絕對冇意見,努力呀!"

Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 08:25:26

Ren "您的網站非常好!可以回味,再回味!㊣!!不。。。過。。。點解冇首download到部H??"

Monday, November 23, 1998 at 10:12:37

Hero "why i cant download 小甜甜 ar.....:-(and many song same too......pls help me la........Finally,i want to say your page is very very very........GOOD ar.....Dont give up,keeping on.......Thx.....pls solve my problem!!!"

Monday, November 23, 1998 at 06:03:57

Kenneth Leung "Yes, really, your homepage ( is very pretty good, but (if it's really pretty good, there will not be a "but", I think you'll know what is happening) the songs are really too outdated! For example 唐韋琪's 相依的心、一起真的很快樂, are all disappeared!!! Still, your songs is not enough, this is really old, 生命有價 is also disappeared!!! And therefore, I tell you, you better update the kidsong, otherwise there is no need for the others (or readers, webexplorers, etc...) to go to this website (, they can simply go to to search the kidsong (from Hong Kong)!!! Besides, in the guestbook, you said "個簽名簿可能有些問題,如果出現「Repost from Data?」,你答No便行。謝謝!", if you know that there maybe some problem in your guestbook, why don't you correct it??? These are really your wrong points. Besides, you have something wrong, 無可擋,美少女戰士一聲出法總合時... is the ending song of Sailormoon R (美少女戰士Sailormoon R), it's not the ending song of "美少女戰士S). 意見就係咁多,希望你會將所有錯處或缺點改「曬」佢啦!(如果唔想人地打粗口,首先唔好在自己的.html file中打粗口先)Besides, your "" can't be gone!!!"

Sunday, November 22, 1998 at 14:01:43

Tony Wong "I can! Please please try again!"

Saturday, November 21, 1998 at 19:45:12