Page 0042

Billy Lau "Thank you for give us all the nice songs you've got , I really miss them so much !"

Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 22:19:58

Pauline "其實聽兒歌絕非小朋友的專利,不論任何年齡都很適合。我是一個百份百的兒歌迷,可是在網上很難找到這類網頁,所以得知有你這個網頁,我十分高興。我想你的網頁一定很受大眾歡迎,因為我有時想到你的網頁看看時,總是沒有回應的。但不論怎樣,我都一定支持你這可愛的兒歌網頁。繼續努力啊!"

謝謝你, 我的server有時會有些問題的, 心有餘而力不足矣!
Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 05:51:42

阿政 "在閃電傳真機裡,有個環節是阿Ben著住黑西裝,黑眼鏡(好似Men in Black咁),常常對著隻錶自言自語的。記唔記得個環節叫乜名呀??"

那個環節叫新科技, 每次都係一個神秘人指派阿海去調查一些新產品的資料。
Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 01:59:34

Queenie " Excellent homepage!!! Will u please add the songs of "Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo"???"

Monday, January 19, 1998 at 21:52:24

Chicka 小雞仔 "點解要等到星期日先有得聽架~唉~真係衰既~開長d時間,得唔得呀?開長少少啦~我淨係想聽首魔法咕嚕咕嚕都唔得呀,求下你啦~例如開多一日咁,起碼正好多先啦~唔.........唔該你啦~~"

我計過, 如果開多一日個hosting公司又玩我的了……
Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 15:55:32

Hayden Hui "Just can't get enough."

Tuesday, January 13, 1998 at 13:22:49

Alen Wong "Do you remember me, that Alen Wong in HKBUBBS?? Maybe you have forgotten, please login and have a look......OK, I am TOTALLY disappointed of your page, at first, your page give me a VERY GOOD impression, but now, ......VERY BAD, today, I have spare time, so, I click the others item in the manu, I found that the item " 完全鹹濕手冊" is BAD, at my point of view, it sould be cancelled!! Is it a place that host Kid Song? Or it is a place that host the catagory III materials? In my own opinion, it is not suitable to put such metarials in here, do you agree? It is not hleathy. Altought the "Important Part" had not been showed....(If you show these part, I think this is a totally censored site!!!) is not good for child....Do you agree? I think this item is just for kidding, but, it is really NOT GOOD....please think about this!!!! Alen Wong "

有甚麼叫做小題大做呢? 你的留言便是其中一例了。我要講明, 《完全鹹濕手冊》雖然有「鹹濕」二字, 不過其實沒有甚麼鹹濕的東西, 就算給小孩子看到, 也沒有甚麼問題。你覺得這樣的東西會教壞細路嗎? 我加了拿段「警告」, 正如你當說, 是 "just for kidding"。當你說這個site要 "totally censored" 時, 你有否覺得很可笑? 另外, 多謝你(最初)咁欣賞我的網站。
Monday, January 12, 1998 at 20:04:41

°·°·ken88 "i cant see my chinese ar... why ar?....but anyway ....this is the best homepage ...i never view one better than this ..i mean personal only...i am not good in homepage you know where can i learn about homepage design and making motion pic? thanks for giving me memory~~! thank you !"

有人話, 因為用了unicode, 所以打不到中文字喎……另外, 我想你可以到 news:// 問問有關製作homepage的問題的。
Monday, January 12, 1998 at 14:45:37

°·°·ken88 "‾u«Y-o¥i¥H-oA¿¤@¥y!C¤OμR§Q°O §U3£¥¼‥£1L¥I|n¬Jhomepage|y«Y±o¤@¤edownload’N-o«Y¥I|n°O"

亂馬 1/2
Monday, January 12, 1998 at 14:39:31

Jordan "Congratulation to your homepage where your songs can finally be download!! Man, your homepage is Still the Best i've ever seen!! Keep the good work, have a nice day."

Sunday, January 11, 1998 at 18:25:35

Baba "哈哈﹐你有所不知口勒﹗ 我已經係星期日download 口左我全部要既 口野 la。"

Sunday, January 11, 1998 at 15:34:51

Ahy "it's dificult to get soooo many old kid song lyrics and real audio file~ my friends and my memory is not so gd we've forgotten them la surprisingly i can get from here keep up ur work! well done ar!"

Sunday, January 11, 1998 at 03:08:08

Tweety "The song is great!!!!!!"

Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 19:33:25

臭妹豬 "好感動呀!!終於等到星期日有得dnload啦.一次過dnload左廿零首,心情真係暢快!!!我都好明白你冇得比我地dnload既苦忠,唔緊要架!!我會永遠支持係架PAZU HONEY!!!"

我睇睇今日的瀏覽人數, 心情亦一樣暢快! :)
Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 18:23:06

Baba "Pazu, good start, good start."

唔好咁快開心住…… (星期日已經過了...) :(
Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 14:45:16

drys "好多謝網主覆一覆我,如果唔係我都唔知sunday可以單撈兒歌!差d走寶. 我睇過d留言記錄, 不過發覺人地d留言顏色太暗,好難睇清楚,可唔可以用過第二隻sharp d o既顏色呢?"

我會考慮的了, 謝謝意見。
Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 00:36:39

jim shuk "Do u know a local band called YLK Organization? This band have a song called 春田花花 (not the same as 春田花花幼稚園). It is just like a 兒歌 and if u want, I can give u a copy of this song. (But I dont know anything about copyright...) And can u add the new title song of snowman (屎撈人動畫的主題曲) It is so funny la"

我都未聽過屎撈人的主題曲啊, 同埋我都聽過余力機構啊, 不過沒有聽過他們的春田花花啊。
Friday, January 9, 1998 at 09:59:29

Billy Fong "I really want the song can be download again, so not need to wait on sundays. And I have an idea, why not find some TV ads songs to create another web site. I know it will be too hard, but when you can get so many kid songs, you may have some ideas to get the ads song. If it really happen, it will be another great website."

其實我也有想過做個廣告網, 不過實在太難了, 如果只是收錄一些近年的廣告歌又沒有意義, 但如果要收錄舊的, 又太難了 (去那裡找?), 除非我識人在電視台做的啦!
Thursday, January 8, 1998 at 23:03:47

Baba "我會在短時間內恢覆這項牧A務------------ is that what you have said one and a half month ago? Just wondering. Ha ha."

Wednesday, January 7, 1998 at 16:02:52

Ioris(Super) "Great page!!!!Good work....who first made this page?i'm going to kiss him....i'll be always here to look for the newest Cartton and Kids song...."

Wednesday, January 7, 1998 at 09:45:11

Martha "i want to hear the songs!!!!! i used to search for the words of the songs, but now with your page, i can find everything, THANKS!!!!! "

Tuesday, January 6, 1998 at 03:53:27

Baba "Pazu, hello, how are you lately? I'm still waiting for you good news. Bye bye."

Monday, January 5, 1998 at 21:50:41


Monday, January 5, 1998 at 06:50:47

江紹榮 "這網站很好,但請盡快恢復歌曲收聽服務."

Sunday, January 4, 1998 at 20:24:33

Handycam "Pazu,小心成為一個美麗的花瓶"

Sunday, January 4, 1998 at 01:55:34

sam "點你的兒歌綱上布咸濕野"

我諗你的意思, 大概是問「點解你的兒歌網上有咸濕野?」吧! 可惜我看不到呢! :>
Saturday, January 3, 1998 at 16:15:37

Kent leung "very nice"

Saturday, January 3, 1998 at 10:29:55

Billy Chan (異空間之召喚獸豬標) "Why ! WWhhyy ! 點解冇得DOWNLOAD!我問你幾時至有得Download!仲有!有o野方法可以o係中文windows95用ROMA輸入法入日文!"

Saturday, January 3, 1998 at 07:16:46