Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) of my page...

  1. 網頁創於何時? When was this website made?

    答: 1996年6月11日, 初時網頁只放數首兒歌,後來得到好心人寄贈,漸發展成大規模的兒歌網站。經過數次香港報紙、雜誌及電台節目主持人介紹後,兒歌網越來越受歡迎,成了其中一個最受歡迎的香港個人網站。那個時候是互聯網的風光燦爛的花開季節,那個年代唱片不公司不用擔心免費下載,一些製作人更寫信給我,說喜歡這個網站,給我無限支持。好景不常,過了數年,我先收到無線電視有限公司的警告信,警告我如果再讓人下載邵六叔的財產就要告到我脫褲子。我委婉回信問這家對兒歌除了播放就沒有甚麼製作上大供獻的財團到底我有甚麼行為侵犯了他們的祖業,他們說我放了五首兒歌MTV上網。我把那些東西都去掉,成功甩脫了這個大財團。當時我想,我以後不看無線電視,但無線成功的地方,就是身處香港,你不能不看他們。過了不久,我又收到IFPI的警告信。我想,算了吧,雖然這些歌只能在我網站找到,雖然這些歌已絕版,雖然在各大唱片店均無代售,但既然各大財團寧願把幼兒園穿過的一條小兒內褲縛在頭上,也不願放進展覽廳讓人欣賞布上小鴨,那麼就去你們吧。我停止了所有下載服務。// In 11 June 1996. At the very beginning I just put some classic children songs (in low quality Real Audio 2 format) on my website, and after a few times exposed by some big newspapers, magazines and radio DJs, this website gained tremendous popularity and perhaps one of the most famous personal websites in Hong Kong. It was long before the time when Records Company worried about free downloads, indeed some famous music producers also contacted me telling me they liked my website and felt happy that I could have some of their songs for people to enjoy, it was the golden era of the internet age, people emphasized the idea of sharing. But after a few years, I got warning, first by TVB, the biggest TV broadcaster in Hong Kong who threatened to sue me because I have put up five of their MTVs here; secondly by IFPI. I didn't close this website, but I decide to stop all downloads just to make sure I won't be arrested. It's sad as many of the songs here couldn't be found elsewhere, not even in HMV.

  2. 網頁何時更新? When will this website updated?

    答: 網主PAZU現正外遊, 除了遊記部份, 其餘部份暫不會更新了. Since I got the warnings I lost all the interest of updating the kid songs part. I kept the lyrics and some introductions, okay I've heard

  3. 網頁為何改名字?

    答: 這個網站開網之初, 名為[PAZU兒網] , 但兒歌網部份早已失修, 唯獨旅遊部份間歇更生, 為免厚此薄彼, 網站正式改名為[PAZU兒網].

  4. 怎樣聯絡PAZU?

    答: 網主的電郵地址不再公開了, 如果想聯絡, 請到留言冊, PAZU會看到的. 但如果問兒歌下載問題, 在這裡已答了, 不會再作回覆了. 敬請見諒! [留言冊] (注: 若留言是私人信件, 請加上[私人], 我看完後會把它刪掉.

2003年3月3日, 版本: 1.26