Page 0041

Hello Kitty "我要download呀!And 很開心找到了一些很舊的歌!!!"

Saturday, January 3, 1998 at 06:32:31

Mulder "Please please please let me listen to the songs!!! I really want to download many many kids' songs!!! I wish I've visited this site months when can I listen to the songs???Pazu...thanks for making such a great site."

Friday, January 2, 1998 at 19:05:22

Kitty "It has been a long time since I first visited your site, however, from that time till now, SONGS ARE STILL NOT DOWNLOADABLE!! How sad...."

Friday, January 2, 1998 at 13:01:15

mandy wong "我開頭是幾乎每天後來改為每隔兩三天就上一次兒歌網看看可以用realaudio download兒歌未,請問什麼時候才能恢復,我好心急啊呀!"

你只要加入我的兒歌網訊mailing list, 那麼當我的網頁有甚麼新消息時, 便會通知你的了。
Friday, January 2, 1998 at 10:07:07

臭妹豬 "我好想聽歌呀,好排住春田花花幼稚園呀!!幾時至有得聽呀,PAZU哥哥*_*你呢個兒歌網呢,好鬼死鬼正呀!!不過如果再加多d卡通插圖呢,仲會更加好鬼死鬼完美添呀!!"

我都覺得好鬼死正啊, 有番兒歌dnload重正啊!
Thursday, January 1, 1998 at 15:58:18

Baba "Pazu, happy new year. Bye Bye."

Thursday, January 1, 1998 at 14:51:54

Chiky Cheung "Godsvermijne, Ik heb gedacht dat er wat te luisteren is...... Nu krijg ik te weten dat het Real-Audio programma niet opgeslagen dus niet te gebruiken is...... Maar ja....laat maar en hoop dat er verbetering komt...."

Thursday, January 1, 1998 at 09:37:26

Emin "Happy New Year!! I have watch your page for a very long time, look at the change of PAZU page. Well, now, I have created my own homepage la. If you have time please take a look at my page, 比 下 面看 看 吧!!(at the past I did not use the name "Emin" I use "郭 靜", do you remember me?)"

新年快樂, 不過我的網頁都沒有多大轉變呢!
Thursday, January 1, 1998 at 04:26:11

jinnai "the best!!"

of course!
Wednesday, December 31, 1997 at 10:39:19

Mason Chong "IT can recall my momory in chid's age "

Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 21:49:45

秀瓜 "看出來了~原來是這樣呀~~~嗯~~~~"

Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 02:39:56

Lawrence Wong "It's a wonderful site for most people...Pls keep work hard! Sometimes, I'm just wondering that some of us might give you a hand, so the downloading function can be processed soon! I really want to listen those songs, I think, everyone are thinking that way too..."

其實我也不知你們可以怎樣幫到我, 我還是自己想辦法吧!
Monday, December 29, 1997 at 22:47:19

Ting "I have just download the realaudio, but your program get some problem which makes me can't listen the lovely songs. :("

Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 07:00:03

天字第一號 "點解D人鐘意將 "綱" 和 "網" 倒轉呢?"

可能佢地打錯字, 又或者係中文水平差囉。我諗以後者居多了。
Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 03:08:43

Baba "Pazu, I really don't know what the hack are you doing. The audio thing has been out for almost a month already, and seems you are doing nothing helps. Anyway, I'm still gonna wait, but one last "Be Quick!" Please."

你唔鍾意都冇辦法, 我都幫你唔到!
Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 01:42:17

Raymond Leung "I was very love this home page "

Friday, December 26, 1997 at 12:11:38

真名(陳君諾) 常用筆名(宇宙滿) 英文名(Samuel) "兒歌網的確是一個好網址,希望能快恢復歌曲下載及加上兒歌MTV下載.我是一個兒歌迷及電子遊戲迷,如有人和我一樣請和我聯絡好嗎?"

嘩, 係呢度微友?? 不過如果你喜歡打機, 可以到星網講場的TVGAMES同PCGAMES的版玩玩的。
Friday, December 26, 1997 at 00:29:19

Baba "Pazu, We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a better server, we wish you a better working attitude, and a Happy New Year."

家陣我的態度好差咩?! :P
Thursday, December 25, 1997 at 17:30:25

小巫婆 "幾好呀~~~ 勒伊亞話你好多image是抄番來的... 不過抄得幾存呀~~~ 三級咸濕手冊幾過癮, 不過要過好多版先睇到...至於兒歌... 人人都講咁上下o野, 我唔講lu。"

咁我都唔知有乜好講了…… :___
Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 21:47:58

S-Bird "多麼驚心動魄的人生回憶錄啊!! (the monkey..)"

Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 15:56:41

Gary Cheung "Ok! But this working is too low!!!Thank you !!!"

Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 08:55:16

Zerocus "I hope u can repair the download function quickly..........,and your homepage is so wonderful."

Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 06:43:55

秀瓜 "來看一下PAZU是怎麼設定Real player的..呵∼看完囉∼謝啦∼"

Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 00:09:52

豬腸粉 (Chris) "我好鍾意聽兒歌,但係我晌上兩個禮拜先至黎參觀呢個網祇,估唔到,一入黎就話0的ram歌唔下載得! 好激氣!我好多謝你,多謝你帶回我小時候那開心和單純的童真,可惜!"

你係可惜「一入黎就話0的ram歌唔下載得」, 還是可惜兒歌網「帶回(你)小時候那開心和單純的童真」啊? :>
Monday, December 22, 1997 at 14:10:56

Handycam "和其他人一樣,都是那句話:”點解冇得聽架?"搞掂唔該通知聲! 可恨我是來遲了一步..... 不知何年何月,得償所願?"

Monday, December 22, 1997 at 11:03:42

Baba "Pazu, you are such a turtle. Seriously, I really really wanna listen the songs. Can you e-mail me when your page is back on track? Don't be turtle anymore. Be a rabbit!!!!!"

你先係龜啊! 你應該把第二個「b」字改做「k」字。
Monday, December 22, 1997 at 03:03:30

Victor Lau "Good Job, keep going!!"

Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 22:12:20

alan cheung "i can't listen to kidsong recently. when can we listen again?"

Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 14:22:10

Baba "Pazu, no good severs, no real audio; no real audio, no kid songs; no kid songs, no me; no me, no anybody; no anbody, no kid song page; no kid song page. no you..........."

Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 01:49:57


Sunday, December 21, 1997 at 01:06:16